Wednesday, December 24, 2014
At a time when masculine hormones were kicking in, there came along a lovely creature whom we will refer to as “Casey”. It was 9th grade in our Junior High, and Casey soon dominated the scene. She was the best at everything. She was the prettiest, the smartest and the nicest girl In the school. She soon acquired a platoon of crushers who counted me in their number. It was possible that there were some young men who had yet not been affected by her presen ce until the first day of outdoor gym class of the season. They were won over that day.
You ever heard of Rompers? That’s’ what they cal.l.ed the outfits the girls wore in gym class. Rompers featured what I called bloomers. You don ‘t seen them anymore, but som e girls were attractive I n them, Casey certainly was and we all noticed it.
I had a rare opportunity to be alone with her for a few memorable hours. It was the day of our class party, and I had been assigned to go “up Main Street” with the bag of coins which had bee n collected to buy candy to bri ng to school for the party. I forgot to get the cand y I arrived at school with no candy, but I still had the coins. The teacher, now unsure of my reliability, ordered me to walk up Mai n Street right now and get the candy, and to be sure I did it, she assigned Casey to escort me there and back
Well, talk about being tossed into the briar patch! Casey and I walked up Pleasant \Street and I dropped the bag of coins. I ca n still see us picking them up. Maybe I was stalling for more time with her.
That’s as close as I ever got to her, and when we moved on to high school the next year, I never was touch with her, although I was aware of her distinguished academic career. She went on to a top college, and I never saw or heard from again.