Friday, August 31, 2012



This   interesting and mysterious  cat  was  featured   on  a   local  on-line  newspaper.  Puddy  (my  name for him/her)   is  known  around town,  but  nobody  knows  the  owner.     Puddy  is  not  afraid  of  people    or   dogs,..   The  other  day  Puddy   startled us  by   climbing on our  kitchen  window  AC  and  staring  at us..  through  the  window.  That  cat  is  loveable,  and seems  to  want a home,   bu    with  our  allergies  and  bird  friends,   we  can't   adopt  him.   He    seems to  be  making the   round in  to9wn,  having  been  seen   at  many  locations.   He  stops  by  every few  days.

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