Sunday, July 15, 2012
Hostess with the Mostest - great dinner party!
As you know, Betsy and Charlie hosted the 2012 Noonan Family Reunion, an almost-famous event that grows in stature with each passing year. Unfortunately, we didn't have everyone with us, but we still had a lot of fun. A big highlight was the party at the Country Club, which Betsy organized and paid for. Thanks, Bets!! It was beautiful and provided us an opportunity to grill Moe and Dad on all the details of their 61 years of marital bliss. We asked about how they fell in love, why they chose a honeymoon in Asbury Park, and what is the secret to such lifetime happiness....I mentioned that they were perhaps the first real-life "Jersey Shore" couple, which provoked spirited discussion and new (clever) nicknames from brother Bobby, like "Snookie" and "The Situation." If you watch that show, you will know how funny that is! So, now you can call Moe "Snookie" whenever you like, but especially when she's clowning around in a hottub with some hottie...Ooops, oh no she didn't!