Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Peggy loved this one!

Since Dad has a good sense of humor, I thought I'd share this one. I snapped this pic when I was in Tolland for Christmas. Can see you see what a great time we were having?! The joy of the holidays is all over his face! :)

Peggy came over for dinner and Mara joined us later. It was a very nice day. We were taking pictures and this one really stood out as a funny keeper. I like how Dad can laugh at himself. Does anyone remember how much we laughed when we first discovered the deodorant Ban Roll-On with the dome top? If you look at yourself in the top of the ball, all your features are distorted, like a house of mirrors. Well, Dad thought this was funny, too, so he indulged us with one of those Ban Roll-Ons from the CVS even though we had no money and were sent to the store for something else. Well, when Moe caught wind of this indulgence she was none too pleased. "What?! You wasted $2.11 just so the kids would laugh at their distorted faces?" We stood by our guns and, honestly, I think we learned a valuable lesson that day. The joy of laughter...live, love, laugh...don't take yourself too seriously... NOPE. It was: Don't make your Mommy mad by wasting money. She'll kick your ass and throw a trophy. Or maybe a coffee cup.

Kidding, Moe!

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