Monday, December 26, 2011



Here are a few pictures taken on Christmas day in our house. Peggy, Rita, Moe and I had dinner together. Rita made a soup, Sausage and Pototo, from a recipe which is used ar Olive Garden. We liked it, and will make it ourselves in ther future. Peggy did the roast pork and it was a very good meal.
We had a rousing game of Trivial Pursuit. The game featured trivia from 30 or so years back. You would think I would excel considering it was sort of one of my eras, but when you can't remember what you had for breakfast, there is not much advantage,

On Christmas Eve, we went to a restaurant in Willimantic which is a favorite place. At one time it was the Willimantic Post office. Now it specializes in beer making and is an excellent restaurant
It was Megan's birthday. She and Patrick and Tabor, Laurie, Emily, Moe and I were there. Lots of pictures were taken which you will see in another posting
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