Thursday, January 13, 2011




We had about 26 inches of snow in Tolland, the most in a single storm we ever had, as far as I know.
Some other places had more, and there was an all time record established at Bradley Field (official site for this kind of record in Connecticut). The snow on our car was they deepest and heaviest I ever had to sweep off---in 47 years of clearing snow off cars here. It was about two feet deep on the car.

Literally, we were snowed in, being unable tp open an outside door until our plow driver shovelled us out at 10:30 P.M. We would have had to destroy the storm doors to get out, so we waited.

Being snowed in didn't bother me because I like to sleep, and I use anti-depressants---try them--you can be serene, too!
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Dad - this is a little bit different than the storm we southerners have been complaining about all week. Don't miss it at all.
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