Sunday, December 21, 2008



My favorite picture is a photograph of my Grandpa, Tony Naples. Tony Naples was an interesting character. He came over from Italy at the age of 27 and became a hod-carrier and then a mason, and finally a contractor. His work can still be seen on sidewalks near Central Connecticut State Universty. His name is imprinted in the sidewalks he built there.
He lived with our family and was dearly loved by all of us. He was entertaining,
funny and not much trouble. An interesting thing about him was the wine cellar he had. He worked hard pressing grapes into wine. The grapes were imported from California. Locally grown grapes weren't good enough. He had a cot in the cellar where he took naps. He had a table where he would rest and read nis Italian papers.
When my siblings and I fought, like kids will do, he would sit there and say, "Godda Helluva shame." Poor Grandpa. He put up with so much from us.
When he became ill, we all pitched in and cared for him.
Some of my favorite recollections are how he entertained ladies in a shed behind the garage. When he dressed up to go out to see his lady friends, he wore a sprig of mint in his lapel. He was in his 70's then.
Grandpa was a founder of St. Anne's Church on North Street in Ne Britain. He also
helped found an Italian Society.
When he passed at the age of 87, his obituary was on the front page of the New Britain Herald.
He taught us all humility, respect and hard work. Thank you, Tony Naples from me and my siblings ( Rosamaria, Jiminere, Chancenell and Mister Touch.)

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