Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Guatemalan Girls Playing Soccer

After I spent all my money buying souvenirs from the little girls on the street, I suddenly had an idea: I counted heads and realized that I was being badgered by enough children to field a soccer team. I proposed that they take all those baskets off their heads and start playing soccer instead. They were only 7 or 8-years-old...they should have *some* fun! So, I bought a soccer ball and divided up the girls into 2 teams. These girls were wearing skirts, traditional "huipiles" and flimsy sandals -- you should have seen them kick the crap out of that ball! They were better than most of the girls I coach here in Atlanta. One of them got a bloody nose and just kept playing. She never cried. She never complained. They were such industrious, hard-working little girls. They live hard and play soccer hard. They had so much fun they made me come back the next morning for another game. It was nice to see them acting like children.

Sounds like the kind of people who built this country. You might have opened up a world of equality for those kids--the elites will hate you for it. dad
I would like to set up a little health clinic down there. I noticed the girls were not brushing their teeth. This is a very simple routine we could change with limited funds. Maybe I should run a soccer clinic with mandatory brushing before game time?
How about raising funds--maybe a fund raiser. Maybe solicit corporations, or public giving organizations--friends? Probably provide the impetus to start an awareness/and/or treatment programs.
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