Tuesday, November 13, 2012



It's    been  a week  since  I  had   cataract  surgery.  Saw a  doctor  today and he  said  everything   looks  good.  Next week,  I  get the other eye  done.  With one  eye  repaired,  I  realize  how  much  I  have  been  missing.
    Mary  has been  driving  us  back and  forth  to  the  appointments,  so  thanks to  her.
   The  operation  was a piece of  cake.     It  took   15  minutes. Moe  had  and  has the  tough  part:  administering  eye  drops--12  a  day   all  week,  but  dropping to  6  before the  next  operation.
    Reinstalled  my  bottle  fence for  the  second time.  Took it  down  for  Hurricane  Sandy   and  two weeks  later for a big  Nor'easter.
   Got  most things  put  away  for  winter.  thank  goodness for the shed that  Mike  built.   Will  begin  installing  plastic  storm  windows  inside the  house.  Our  regular,  new   storm  windows  don't  keep all the  cold  out.
  We  still  play  pool   twice a week at the  Senior  Center.
   Let's  hear  your   CURRENT  EVENTS!

Thursday, November 08, 2012



This  is  why  we  live in  organized  societies----not  every  man  for  himself!
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Monday, November 05, 2012


Tampa weekend 2012

A few pictures from our 3rd annual Tampa Weekend.

Sunday, November 04, 2012



Remember  the  old   Newsletter?   Trying  to  emulate its  purpose,   Fill in  your  location  in  place  of  Tolland,    and  lay  some  news on  us.
   Hurricane  Sandy  knocked out   92   percent  of  power  here,  includ9ng  ours.   It   was  a   long   cold  night  with  no  power,  so  we  were making  plans   to   go   someplace   when  Mary called  and  sais  her  power had  come  on.    We  think  UCONN    gets  priority over  other  places as  well it  might.   We  spent  the day  at  Mary's   and  planned to   spend the night  there,  too. About   3   PM   we drove  up to  Papa  T's which  never   lost  power   for  an  early   supper,  then headed for  home to pick  up  some  things.   Near Birch  Grove   School   we saw    some  CL&P   trucks  and  questioned  the  men.They   said  our  power  would be  on  in  minutes,  and it  was on  by  the  time    we   got  home.

  Old      Bob  undergoes            cataract  surgery  on  his  left   eye on  Tuesday  with the  right  one scheduled  for  the   20th.   I   told   our  neighbor,  Phil,  that I  didn't want    t o  be old   and  blind.   Phil    added,   "and    deaf."
We  play pool  twice a  week  at  the  Senior   center.  Moe  plays   dominoes there   another  day.

Mary   has  been helping   me   pick  up the  leaves .   It is  almost   all   done.

We have been   playing   Trivial   Pursuit   with  Peggy  who  usually   .wins.  I   can't   remember  what  I  had  for   breakfast.

Try  your own  Current   Evennts.

Friday, November 02, 2012



 In  the shed, that's  where they  went.  With   Hurricane    Sandy  threatening us,  I  was  able  to  disassemble  the  bottle fence  very  quickly  thanks  to   my clever  engineering  plan.  Each   bay, or  unit ,of the fence  could be unhitched from  supporting  uprights   without  dealing with  each  individual  bottle   amd each  unit  was in the  shed in  minutes.   The   back  yard  looked  barren   without  the  fence.
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