Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I'm sorry it has been so long since we've shared!! I love the idea andpromise to get better!! These photos are quite recent,but I will addsomeolderonesas asort of summary of our absence soon...Mommy wants to go to bed while she can,so we've shared a few favorites from recent days...

We went ot MV mid-June foralong weekend. two GREAT beach days, two days of rain...Not the best smile here, but he was busy eating sand at Squibnocket Beach in Martha's Vineyard...he LOVED the beach :)

I LOVE this pic-I framed this one!! Just playing in his tunnel in the yard!! This was maybe a week or two ago...

Tabor and Mommy out in the yard swinging...Veda too!!
She was having fun too despite her face here...she's no "ham" I guess...

Happy baby eating his blueberry pancakes for breakfast!!

This is Tabor at his FIRST BIRTHDAY party (May 14) eating his strawberry filled cake!!

Hope to see eevryone soon!! We wish we could've made it to OH,but $ is tight,so next timeanyone is in our area we'd love to visit!!! Hope you're all well!! XXXOOOXXXOOO, Meg, Pat, Tabor, Teik, Veda, Roscoe and Ruby

Tuesday, June 28, 2011




Our 60th wedding anniversary was a highlight in our lives thanks to Betsy's organization and planning for the event which was held at her place and at the Silver Lake Country Club. Everybody was in a festive mood, and jokes and laughter abounded for the entire weekend.
The golfers golfed. The non golfers went to lunch at a favorite place in Hudson, which, by the way, would a place high on my list in choosing to live someplace other than where we are, and went shopping.
The games in the evening were especially fun, as we have numerous comedians in our midst.
Betsy and Charley worked hard to prepare excellent meals which we ate in the gazebo.
It was a fun event, and left everyone agreeing get-togethers such as this should happen more frequently. I half-jokingly remarked that now would be sa good time to wind up affairs on earth because was an ideal climax to our time in this realm/
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Monday, June 27, 2011


Celebration in Ohio

I made a collage of the pictures I took over the weekend. Along with the festivities, we played golf and visited the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. It was a great time.

We need to do this more often.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Amanda's Prom

Thursday, June 16, 2011



I couldn't see the guy in the next bed, but I could hear the inteviewer ask," Do you know where you are?" The guy says, "Here."

Monday, June 13, 2011


Peg's visit

Peggy is in Atlanta visiting. She and Rita made a terrific supper yesterday and we had a nice time.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


American Cancer Society's Relay for Life

Moe, Dad and I did the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life Walk at Tolland High School last night. Two of Moe's friends from the Senior Center joined us - Sue and Sally. Very nice ladies with a great sense of humor, we had lots of laughs. This is my 3rd year at this event walking with Dad as cancer survivors. Sally is also a survivor.

Lt Gov Nancy Wyman was the keynote speaker again this year. A young woman also spoke, desribing her story of having an autistic child and beating breast cancer. Pretty inspirational stuff. The first half lap of the event is reserved for just survivors. People line the track and applaud as you walk by, many of them with tears in their eyes. It makes you appreciate life a lilttle bit more.

It's a fun event that we're lucky to be here to participate in. We were slowed a little by the corn on Dad's foot and the gout in my toes, but we were able to make 1 complete lap around the track at the old THS field. In keeping with this year's theme: "Celebrate, Remember, Fight back", Dad and I were fighting back to not be last in the race!

Thursday, June 02, 2011



You are not going to believe this, but I have discovered I am not universally loved, as one might brlieve to be the case. There I am, delusional, reserving the right to look down upon someone who has incurred my disfavor, only to find out that person is looking down upon me. That's fair.
What is to be done about it? Experience has taught me that no amount of reasoning can alter the entrenched views of some people not as insightful as I. Is it preferable to harbor ill will, and squander my disposable time on the matter? At a relatively advanced age, I have finally settled on a better solution.
The solution lies in meditation. Among the precepts of said nmeditation, are several concepts which I find useful:
having looked upon the problem in the manner of a new learner;
having gathered as much information as possible; and coming to the conclusion there is nothing I can change; I drop the matter from my consciousness once and for all. This unburdens me, and frees up my intellectual and emotional energies
for other use.
Actively disliking or resenting requires a lot of work and is unproductive. Try meditation, and you won't have to tell anyome to"Drop Dead!"

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