Tuesday, March 30, 2010



Monday, March 29, 2010


The Tolland Times

I had to enter the article in three parts. Hope is OK

Sunday, March 28, 2010



The Bridgettes conducted a public Duplicate Bridge Tournament which was a first for Tolland, as far as I know. In fact I never heard of another in all these years.
In Duplicate, it is set up so that each team of East-West, or North-South plays the same hands during the course of the evening. Scores are kept and compred to produce winners.
Here's the article in the Hartford newspaper ( I think it was the Times which has since gone out of business)


My Birthday Party

Paul and Amanda came over to celebrate my birthday this year. Amanda is getting more mature, confident, and beautiful every time I see her. I asked her to take on the job of "party hostess" so that I didn't have to run around all night pouring wine and putting food out. She did a great job! I think she can start her own business doing this kind of work. No one likes hosting their own party. As they say, it takes a village to raise our young people. As part of my Auntie duties, I taught her how to open and pour wine, mix drinks, and steal money out of guests' pocket books. She is ready to go out on her own soon.


My new TV

This TV makes watching sports a real pleasure. Check out the score on this game. There goes my bracket!


Greg Corbett & Pauly

Greg Corbett is Taschi's (my former roommate) husband. He does some acting on the side -- you may have seen him in Army Wives. As for Pauly, well, you may have seen him on one of those little posters at the Post Office. Heh heh.
Pauly is actually a highly sought-after party guest. My girlfriends are quite disappointed if the brothers don't show up. Pat and Paul never fail to provide some sort of entertainment at a party, and most of the time we don't get arrested.


Kimberley & Sandra

These are two of my wonderful friends -- both are CDC employees and tremendous cooks. We started a monthly dinner club...after reading about the Bridgettes, I have some new ideas for promotional activities that will garner national attention (I really just want to get into a parade).
Stay tuned.


Angela & Yvonne

Here are two of my friends who came over for my birthday party. Yvonne, the one on the right, is from Poland. She is incredibly hard working and reliable. As Pauly would say, "those Polish people are underrated!"

Sunday, March 14, 2010





Here seen making long range plans for the Bridgettes



At the time these letters were written, Charles Goren was the top person in the world in Contract Bridge. Rosemary Smith, publicity manager, was unfazed by his lofty status in the world--she invited Mr. Goren to attend the Bridgette Bridge Tournament. He couldn't, and replied as follows:

Saturday, March 13, 2010



Back in '67, Moe and three friends formed a bridge group. Rosemary Smith, as publicity chairperson, generated so much publicity the Bridgettes seemed like a national organization. They even started a duplicate bridge group which met weekly at the old Tolland High. They hired a director and ran a duplicate tournament which was won by Moe and her partner. My partner and I came in second--we still have tropies around here somewhere.
Stuff will appear here as fast as I can scan it. Keep in mind that these are old documents.

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